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To connect with Lady Dee and to see her brand new book, Career Leadership Coaching Today, go to

May 27, 2022

You once made a great leap of faith and entered the greatest competition against millions of others, all before you were even born. It’s in that spirit that you have every right to live your life and achieve what you want to achieve.

In this episode:

  • A mindset for good mental health.
  • Establish your vision for the future you want.
  • How to recover mental wellbeing after the pandemic.


To learn more about how coaching can improve your life and help you reach your goals, or if you need support in developing your goals, visit to connect with her directly and learn more about she will bring positive changes into your life.

To expand on the ideas presented in this podcast, purchase Lady Dee’s new book, Career Leadership Coaching Today. You can find it on Amazon.